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| 02 Apr 2024 | 01:39

Sunset lights – playing – dancing – silver blue glowing – shadow snow. Crystal crackling partially frozen – wild carcass lying – waiting – rewarding – many solitary miles. Sinewy delicious – nourishing feasting. Walking Woman – stopping silently – observing – breathing. Her breath clouds – hovers – dissipates – she comes no closer. I see her. Continuing eating – she’s continuing – watching – blinking – breathing – we have an understanding.

She sees me – she is Friend. I am whelp – I am WOLF.

Midday field – tiny farmhouse with many flowers. New grass – small creatures – side of the road. I pay no mind – front porch Woman – sundress staring – barefoot – strawberry lemonade. Rolling and yelping – yipping and biting – first kills – new meat – small victories – quick learning. Laughing and ears pointing – tail wagging and teeth baring – powerful – mighty – I fend for myself and taste fresh joy.

She acknowledges me – she is Friend. I am pup – I am WOLF.

Black night – Warwick hills – deep time and dark space. I call out – echoing – repeating – howling – mixing – sorrow and joy – loneliness and connection – silence and sound. I inform her I still exist – back porch – silent – Summertime Woman smiles – listening – yearning to create the same vibrations. I hunt – I journey – I return. I cannot tell her where I’ve been – only where I am. Here I am – I am here. Coyotes join in – farm dogs don’t dare. I make hills howl.

She hears me – she is Friend. I am grown – I am WOLF.

Bright morning – direct sunlight through barnwood windows – too comfortable for daybreak departure. Sweet soft hay – seduced my old bones – quiet solitude – no escaping the dreamtime. Farmer’s Wife Woman – roasting chicken – scents – succulent – steeped – into my subconscious. Lo – the Dairy Farmer – gravel crunching – sunshine dazzling – now empty still warm barn–bed–hay–nest – cornfield fleeing – woods bounding – yet momentarily noting – barn entrance – shiny chicken carcass – small metal pan.

She feeds me – she is Friend. I am old – I am WOLF.

Editor’s note: I asked Amy to write a short piece after hearing the story of the wolf that sleeps in the barn of the dairy farm where she lives with her husband. She wrote it from the wolf’s perspective.