Winter elixir
A twist on the classic golden milk

As we cuddle up indoors these chilly winter months, I want to share a little secret from my kitchen. It’s a twist on the classic golden milk, a treasure from yogic traditions, but with a personal touch of protein powder – my little hack for a healthier start to the new year. The trick is finding unsweetened, unflavored protein powder. It is surprisingly hard to come by at the market, so I buy mine online. This allows me to freely add 18 grams of pure protein to drinks, smoothies and baked goods without compromising on taste. Blended with your favorite milk, organic turmeric and a full punch of spices, this is my cozy, comforting way to shed some holiday calories and warm up from the inside out. Enjoy!
Makes two large mugs
Milk of your choice, dairy or non-dairy
½ -1 heaping teaspoon organic turmeric
Chai tea – I use decaf rooibos with rich flavor
1 heaping scoop of unsweetened/unflavored protein powder
1-2 teaspoons honey or sugar, optional
Cardamom, cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, any kind of aromatic spice, optional for more flavor
Ground cinnamon to finish
Add milk to your favorite mugs until ¾ full, then transfer all the milk to a saucepan. Add the turmeric, turn the burner on low and whisk. It is traditional to cook turmeric for about 3-5 minutes before consuming to ease the harsh flavor, and some say this also increases its anti-inflammatory properties. Whisk every so often, 3-5 minutes on low, do not allow to boil over. Turn off heat, add 2 teabags (or 2 teaspoons loose chai tea in a mesh tea ball), aromatics if using, and then steep for another 3-5 minutes.
Meanwhile, in each mug, fill ¼ of the cup with cool water. Split the heaping scoop of protein powder between the two mugs, whisk well. This next step is important: slowly whisk small amounts of golden milk into the protein powder to temper the heat (if you add all at once it can cook the protein). Once smooth, serve warm, and top generously with cinnamon. Enjoy!