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Date night

| 27 Feb 2020 | 01:33

I really do love candy! For those of you who have a sweet tooth but choose to pack as much nutrition into your calories as possible, this recipe ticks all the boxes. Delicious dates combine with cashews to create a satisfying chew, which gets dipped in dark chocolate and coconut. Dates are high in fiber; dark chocolate, antioxidants; coconut oil is a healthy fat. Just so much goodness in a little treat.

Date-nut chocolates

Makes about 5 pieces (triple or quadruple this amount to make a big batch)

1/3 cup raw cashew

10 dates

2 tbsp coconut oil

1-2 tbsp water

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Sea salt, red pepper, cinnamon

Organic dark chocolate, melted in microwave

Shredded coconut

Pulse cashews in a food processor for a few moments, then add the dates. Depending on the processor it could take some time to break down. Process until you get a nice ground paste going. Slowly add oil, then water until it just comes together. Do not allow mixture to get too wet. Add vanilla, spices and salt.

Roll mixture into ¾-inch rounds and place on wax paper sheet. Refrigerate for at least a half hour to cool down. Melt chocolate in the microwave (or bain-marie), dip half the ball in chocolate, then return to wax paper tray. Cool down again until chocolate is crisp. Finally, roll the other half of the balls in coconut and drizzle remaining chocolate on entire batch. Keep cool and serve.