Jockey’s Ridge

A huge light beige sand dune
rising between the ocean and the bay
that has been there for centuries,
yet is constantly changed by wind and weather.
The footprints of the day’s tourists
are gone with each new sunrise,
mysteriously snatched by the night winds
only to be filled in by the dawn breezes
like spring dandelions
responding to the lure of the sun.
Signs identify the vegetation around its base
for the city folk: Bayberry, Live Oak,
Southern Waxy Myrtle, and Swamp Grass,
but there is no plant brave enough
to try to live at the top.
The top is the province of the wind,
alive with change, ever purified.
Adult visitors seem to sense
the fragility of the hill,
walk gingerly, trying not to scar
the pristine loveliness provided each morning.
Yet their kids may have a better understanding
of the essence of the place,
sliding down the hill merrily on their butts
and watching their tracks blow away
knowing that they cannot hurt this hill
with only their God given bodies and enthusiasm.
- Bill Kenney
Florham Park NJ